Created at the end of 2019 with the objective to double the business by 2025, the KOHLER® Portable Business Unit is focused to promote the high quality products of the KOHLER® portable range and to support the distributors, the dealers and the users in Europe, Middle East and Africa. 4 departments are composing the B.U.:
- Sales: With 15 people, most of them every day on the field, the sales team’s missions are to meet dealers, to answer to their needs and to leverage new opportunities of business.
- Customer Service: Managing forecasts, stocks and logistics, the Customer Service team works to propose for each order the best product’s availabilities and the shortest delivery times.
- Aftersales: Supporting the EMEA network and distributors, the team is providing its expertise to help on field issues and give feedback to the R&D dept to improve continuously the product’s quality.
- Marketing: Focused on the user’s experience, the marketing team is creating and adapting the products, marketing materials and sales promotions to provide the most accurate offer and tools to the network.
Sales and aftersales networks
The dealer network is composed by more than 800 partners around Europe, including more than 250 in Germany and master distributors in some strategic European countries.
Closed to the users
With this mesh, the goal is to propose to the professional users an access to our products, advices and services near to them for sales, maintenance and repairs.
Expand the European distributors network
Represented in 15 countries, like Baltics countries, Denmark, Finland, Bulgaria, Slovenia, etc, by major distributors involved in construction sites, the EMEA Portable KOHLER B.U. is working actively to cover most of the European countries starting by Central Europe and Scandinavia.

Product’s display with essential accessories to well use generators
Designed to be fitted in dealer’s shops, the product display with essential accessories helps users to find quickly all needed to start, use and maintain generators.
A starter kit to have the best user experience
In addition to the oil needed to use the generator, the starter kit integrates the GENERATOR SMART CARE.
With the goal to extend lifetime of generators, this Bluetooth device, associated to its smartphone app, is measuring the activity of the generator and inform users when maintenance operations are needed.
Easy to use and to move
Key point to improve user’s experience, the display integrates TROLLEY KITS and LIFTING EYES to ease the mobility. There’s also removable RCD’s and earth rod to give the best protection to users.
Maintenance kits to maximize performance
To keep the performance at its highest level, generators have to be maintained every 200 hours or at least once a year (change oil, air filter and spark plug).

Home stand-by solutions
In addition to the mobile application’s products dedicated to construction sites, KOHLER is offering a large solution for the home stand-by.
Exceptional Stand-by
KOHLER provides essential systems for maintaining the mains power supply in your home to protect your electronic equipment and household appliances and ensure your home is supplied with emergency power in the event of a mains outage.
Example : PERFORM 7500 T XL C5 + R05M + Earth Rod
Stationary Stand-by
Homecare, lighting, heating, electrical continuity – these are essential for you. You want an effective, reliable solution for your home equipment while you wait for the power supply to be restored.
Example : Diesel 15 LC TA SILENCE C5 + VERSO 50 + Earth rod