Tesmec Group’ attendance based on digitalization, sustainability and efficiency, key drivers for the Group’s growth strategy
Tesmec innovative “CLEAN & FAST” working methodologies will have huge development opportunities thanks to 5G & FTTx technology
Integrated Solutions & Digital Systems
Integrated solutions, smart systems and innovative equipment: at Bauma Tesmec will be introducing the latest developments that will make the construction, maintenance and management of infrastructures FASTER, SAFER and MORE EFFICIENT.
Thanks to a complete product portfolio, Tesmec value chain stands as a strong and reliable added-solution for worldwide infrastructure projects which will improve the transport and distribution of energy, data and material.
The “Internet of Diagnostic Systems” is the Tesmec new approach for both operators and partners.
Digital technologies and platforms are the hallmarks of Tesmec inter-connected solutions which allow additional benefits and maximum performance along the entire project execution.
Bauma will be the occasion to experience Tesmec know-how in the design of customized solutions and the ability to define the best working methodology, also recognized by the most important international contractors, thanks to the brilliant experiences gained worldwide.
The advanced technologies developed by Tesmec are always focused on the improvement of performance with respect for the environment. Tesmec is committed to reducing emissions, increasing energy efficiency and renewable energy sources.
Discover Tesmec latest innovations
▪ From the state-of-the-art surface miner (1150EVORH) for the most challenging working conditions to integrated solutions for accurate and high-quality automatic cable laying jobsite (Sidecut and Cleanfast).
▪ From the new stringing solutions 4.0 (PT1450), simple – safe – reliable, to the revolutionary sustainable solution for underground energy cable laying (PE1250).
▪ The most advanced digital and diagnostic systems to maximize working operations efficiency and optimize data management.
Tesmec EVO series
TESMEC has been working to help contractors increase productivity and reduce overall costs on their projects. The recently developed “EVO” generation of chainsaw trenchers and surface miners can dig hard and abrasive rock with improvements to digging performance and cost efficiency that were unrealized until now.
There are limits, in terms of rock hardness, beyond which the teeth are unable to fracture and break-out the rock; in these conditions, the teeth just scratch the rock face, resulting in a huge productivity drop. The only way to move this limit further is to increase the digging chain-pull to have higher break-out force of the teeth. In case of abrasive rock, teeth consumption is the main operating cost factor, the only way to increase tooth life and get real cost savings is to reduce the digging chain-speed. In response, TESMEC has developed the new “EVO” generation trenching equipment that combine up to 85% higher chain-pull and up to 62% lower chain-speed, with a new range of 5 selectable chain speeds. These new features are possible thanks to new flywheel gearboxes, new hydraulic components, and the latest release of the Trenchtronic 5.0 for full digital control of the automatic digging function. Compared to the previous models, the “EVO” series trenchers can guarantee up to 30% higher productivity in hard rock and deep trenching and up to 45% digging cost reduction.
1150 EVO Rock Hawg: groundbreaking way to surface mining
The 1150EVO represents the latest in our Tesmec line of solid rock excavation. The “EVO” machines combine a high chain pull and lower chain speed, with a new range of digging speeds at full power ranging from 250 to 500fpm. The operator can select this range according to the ground conditions. This cutting mode innovation boosts digging productivity and worksite efficiency in even the toughest conditions; this ensures more digging hours on the working shift. The new “EVO” working method reduces teeth consumption, consequently lowering operating costs in hard and abrasive conditions.
At Bauma, you will see the brand new 1150 EVO Rock Hawg equipped with the 10’ 3” wide drum up cutting mode, powered by the Cummins QSG12 Tier 4 final engine with 450HP. This is the best choice for bulk excavation, surface mining in open-pit quarries, soil reclamation, and tunneling.
The 1150EVO Rock Hawg is equipped with the upgraded TrenchTronic 5.0 electronic control with improved automatic functions and diagnostic capability, contributing better performance and less downtime.
Cleanfast: trench and dust suction for the deployment of FTTx
Your efficient utilization of Optic and Electric networks in urban and motorway environments thanks to micro trenching operations with CLEANFAST and its R 600 trenching tool reaching 600 mm depth. Cleanfast is the only easily usable road vehicle equipped with an axially driven 600mm-depth powerful trenching wheel and able to simultaneously vacuum out and collect the excavated material.
Quick network deployment process and restoration of the road: Trenching in curves and sidewalks in different soil types (concrete, asphalt, rock); without vehicle traffic interruption during the trenching works
Clean and Dust-free job site: Reduced amount of excavated material with adapted narrow tools; no material or dust thrown out during earth works (20,400 m3/hr suction unit); complete filtration of rejected air.
Increased safety and reduced environmental impact: all vehicles are easy-to-move road vehicles; less vehicles and personnel needed on site; limited disturbance to residents (lesser work vehicle traffic, quicker operations, less dust); less excavated material and less backfilling product
Quality of network deployment: preservation of the road foundations; improved laying positioning (vertical trench thanks to the tool tilt adjustment, trenching in curves and sidewalks, video guiding system and radio control piloting)
Cost efficient works: quicker operations and less vehicles/people; vehicle traffic not interrupted during the works; reduced building costs (micro trench)
SIDECUT SC4P: narrow trenching innovation
Superfast 5G & FTTx delivery is the new high-speed fibre network that replaces the existing copper connections.
To build this new network in the existing urban communities new technology engineering is required together with specialised equipment that will be fit for purpose to provide a narrow trenching solution, reducing cost and major disruptions to householders and business premises.
Side Cut SC4P narrow trenching benefits:
• Small footprint unit for trenching in restricted areas
• Reduced spec on both width and depth of the required trench line
• Variable offset for straight and radius cuts to reduce reinstatement materials and cost
• Vertical trench wall cuts on raised curb & carriageway levels
• High torque performance for variable ground conditions
• Remote controller for all-round vision of marked underground services
• Removable cutting segments for optimum production with lower maintenance costs
• GPS integration for as-built documentation
• Designed for easy transportation into small urban areas
Innovation of these units to reduce the traditional trenching operations of an excavating machine that would be used on a much larger trench cut opening with major disruption and closures.
Side Cut trenching innovation, the only true way to achieve a new network superfast broadband build.
We will present a preview of the new Tesmec telematic platform, developed in collaboration with Topcon Tierra. Among the various innovations, the new platform will feature the Performance Report, an automatic weekly based report, monitoring the machine efficiency, productivity and fuel consumption.
The well-established and proven GNSS guidance system based on Topcon technology has been further improved by adding features like As Built, Smart Pass and Anti-collision, dedicated to the trenching & mining application, improving the speed and the quality of the job done.
Construction As Builts are becoming an increasingly important requirement of construction contracts.
Tesmec has developed the SmartTracker, an easy to use system that automatically collects topographic data while the machine is trenching, drastically reducing survey time. The system is based on proven Topcon RTK technology, enhancing high precision and accuracy.
TrenchTronic 5.0
The TrenchTronic machine control system has been upgraded to the version 5.0. Automatic functions have been improved, as well as diagnostic capability, resulting in better performance and less downtime. The HMI has been evolved with the introduction of a touch screen HD display.
Digital Puller Tensioner PT1450: a new benchmark on the industry
A new digital puller tensioner suitable to string two ropes or conductors, with road trailer 80 km/h typeapproved.
The new user-friendly human machine interface with 7” color display, radio remote control, remote diagnostic with GPS and data recorder, to grant top performance & reliability, with highest level of safety. The innovative graphic display shows all the information, including diesel engine parameters, machine performance, and diagnostic output.
This new digital technology reduces to almost zero the instruments and devices installed on the previous control panel. The remote, provided with an emergency cable connection, controls the machine and allows the operator to work from a position offering a better overview of the jobsite, less noise and a higher degree of safety. The new remote monitoring system, (RE.M), acquires, analyzes and manages information from the can-bus of the machines, being the access option the easiest way to check the machines data. In case of failure, service technicians can get full analysis before they reach the jobsite reducing problem which reduces dramatically the resolution time. A strong tradition of quality, reliability and durability meets the new technologies generating a new concept of machines.
Stringing Machines 4.0: a new machine range Simple, Safe, Reliable.
The underground evolution PE1250: a solution for tomorrow
Tesmec, the market leader in stringing solutions is proud to introduce on the market a revolutionary machine for underground cable laying in urban area.
These projects require specific features especially in urban area where the different regulation systems are introducing in the last years several limitations related to the emission level, in addition to have a noise level reduced to almost zero. Moreover, similarly to the brand new range of diesel underground cable laying machines, also the pE1250 is equipped with the new digital technology. The new human machine interface is developed to simplify the stringing operations, this new digital technology eliminates most of the instruments and devices installed on the previous control panel. The strategy to invest on new solutions to reduce the environmental impact of machines, is a consequence of our mission to provide solutions to drive growth and modernization supplying of integrated solutions for Energy and Data Transport. Today we are ready to face the new challenge presented by the green approach.
Don’t miss the exclusive opportunity to discover this unique innovative technology!
“Meet the Experts”
5G & FTTx
The move to 5G will radically transform networks and services. Discover Tesmec integrated solutions for FTTx applications and its “Clean & Fast” working methodology. You will find out the current development status of narrow trenching and explore Tesmec innovative “Clean & Fast” working methodology.
Surface Mining
Bauma is the most important presentation and business platform for the mining industry. Get to know Tesmec state-ofthe-art surface mining technology and talk with our specialists about technical challenges and advances in surface mining applications.
Renewables energies
Technological innovation, cost efficiencies, and increasing consumer demand are driving renewables—particularly wind and solar—to be preferred energy sources. As the leader in the mechanical laying technology, Tesmec Group has the solutions and expertise you need to get your job done safely and efficiently.
Re.M, TrenchIntel, SmartTracker, TrenchTronic 5.0… digitalization always receives a special attention by Tesmec. Learn more about Tesmec digital systems and convince yourself of the advantages and the cost savings that the digitalization enables in your every day’s job.
Innovative technologies developed for new generation of conductors (HTLS). Discover Tesmec complete range of Stringing machines 4.0, pulleys and pivoting array blocks, designed in compliance with the IEC TR 61328, in order to preserve the conductors from any damage.
Don’t miss the opportunity to see the revolutionary machine for underground cable laying in urban area: the full electric machine PE1250. Similarly to the brand new range of diesel underground cable laying machines, also the PE1250 is equipped with the new digital technology, developed to simplify the stringing operations.
Smart Platforms are leading to increase safety and improve services of networks. Solutions are becoming smarter and more connected: how can we benefit from setting in place the tools to harvest data through the Internet of Things? Gain executive and technology leader support.