Clément Fayat, the founder of the group Fayat in 1957, and his sons Jean-Claude and Laurent, have come together to act for the causes they hold dear through the creation of the Clément Fayat Foundation. The aim of this Foundation is to conduct or support philanthropic works and causes in three sectors: health, education and heritage.
The fight against neurodegenerative diseases and contribution to medical research
Contribution to research and innovation: funding for any establishment pursuing this aim, creation of partnerships with research organisations and funding of conferences, etc.
Training in the construction industry
Education and training
Support for people, in particular those who are most in need, wishing to work in the building & public works sectors, through education and training, etc. Support for retraining projects for Group employees or their family members in the building & public works sector.
Rehabilitation and renovation of historical monuments
Execution and/or support for rehabilitation and/or renovation projects on historic buildings, locally and nationally, in particular via support for enhancement and restoration of built heritage and monuments.
The Clément Fayat Foundation is recognised as being in the public interest by Decree of the Interior Ministry, after examination by the Ministry departments and approval of the Council of State.
The Clément Fayat Foundation, a public interest shareholding foundation with an open-ended duration
This public interest shareholding foundation is a long-term, open-ended structure.
Thanks to its shareholding status, the Clément Fayat Foundation holds a portion Fayat Group capital irreversibly and progressively. Its resources come mainly from the Group’s operational activities and will guarantee the financial independence which is essential to the execution of its missions. Each employee thus contributes to the success of the Foundation’s missions.
A representative of the State will oversee the proper management of the Foundation’s funds.
Among the 2,300 foundations of various statuses based in France (including public interest, corporate, university and scientific cooperation foundations, etc.), only 4 are public interest shareholding foundations. This is an innovative type of structure which meets the wishes of donors to ensure the longevity of the Foundation’s actions, with the system of equity security endowment demonstrating this long-term engagement.
This form of stable, long-term, public interest shareholding also guarantees the independence of the Group, without affecting the management of the Group’s operational activities. The Foundation is built on the values that have driven the Fayat family for more than 60 years.

About the Fayat Group
The Fayat group operating in 170 countries thanks to the dedication of more than 22,150 employees, provides innovative and sustainable solutions to its customers all over the world in the 7 major activities where it has developed: Civil Works, Foundations, Building, Energy Services, Metal, Pressure Vessels and Road Equipment. In 2019, the Group achieved turnover of €4.6 billion.